Monday, April 11, 2011 do or not to do

So, we've been looking into buying a house lately, not that we are anywhere close to buying one, we've just been looking into it. We know we want to make the investment in a home, but it's such a big decision and we want to make sure we do it right. I don't ever want to have to move again once we buy a house. Of course along with house buying talk comes talk of saving, investing, etc.

Anyways, all of this talk got me to thinking while doing my daily bible reading this week. I can worry myself to death about which home, which neighborhood, which schools, etc will be the right investment for our family, but while I'm doing all of this worrying I could be investing in the now, in things that truly matter: family, friends, Jesus, and on and on and on the list can go. So, this week I have decided to "invest" in some things that need my attention now, things that affect my life - for eternity. I have decided to invest my time, money, and energy in Jesus, in Bo, in McKenzie and Kennedy, in family, in friends, in my church, in cleaning my house, in cooking supper EVERY night, and in doing something for a total stranger.

How will I make this investment? By reading my bible. By praying. By turning off the TV. By saying "Yes" to things. By saying "No" to things. By loving others more than myself.

So, this post was really more for me than anyone else. I know it's so cliche' to say "invest in others" and things like that, but that is the thought that has truly been resounding through my heart this week. So, if your looking for advice on how to invest money - ask a banker. My advice, invest in life!


Andrea Schipke said...


Dawn Trest said...

I know this post was for you, but it was for "me" to! Thanks for sharing and reminding me of the important things :)

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